Hobby Update (A lot of pictures!)

Hello there!

I've been a little busy lately with the hobby! After the small-point tournament we had earlier this month, I've been hard at work trying to put new units on the table. After going through my stash, I even found some cool character/monster-esque models that I could somehow use! A couple of them even let me dab into Nightstalkers if I so wish (and I've been messing with allies for sure). Without further ado, here's what I've been working on:

So, as you can see, it's going to be five hero models and one monster. These are basically how I've started with every undead base I've made as well. A few simple rocks and scenery go a long way once it's all painted. The mushrooms are made from milliput, and the gravestones are 3D printed. I even decided to use a big Reaper spider I found as an add-on to the future Forgeworld Mourngul I plan to put on the base!

I've also painted up some new Undead units! Starting off with my Barrow Wights!

A little big for a height 2 unit, but I'm happy with how they came out! I used a little milliput (love this stuff) to make the spectral wings look a little bit more natural. Let's just hope they don't disappear with CoK'19, because they've gotta be one of my favorite units in the game.

Last thing was another mounted character that I planned to use as a mounted Liche King:

So, really simple: I just used a GW Hexwraith with a cloak from the GW Mortarch kit (make him a little more threatening)! With this guy and the previous mounted caster, I plan to try my hand at OSLs with the mount's eyes. However, I'm still trying to build up the courage to do it by brush!

That is all I've finished with undead so far. However, I'm painting up 20 GW Graveguard and another GW Mortarch to use as Revenants and a Revenant King respectively. While those are still in the works, I can still show off their future bases!

That's pretty much all I have to try and show off for now! Gonna keep painting to get more units on the table. I'm thinking my next update will either be A) a written battle report using a game off Universalbattle or B) another hobby update, or C) Both!

For the December event, it's going to be 1500 points this time around, so it'll be fun to mess with more toys in Undead. I also plan to make sure my army is good to go for US Masters.

I hope you guys enjoyed the read!

Until then... Let's Go To War!



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